Opening Doors Provider Webinar

North Dakota Housing Finance Agency’s (NDHFA) Opening Doors Landlord Risk Mitigation Fund provides households with a rental barrier with the opportunity to access housing, and encourages landlords to lease units to households that may not meet all their rental criteria by providing coverage if there is excessive damage or lost revenue. 


Agencies with a history of providing supportive services, coordination and/or case management services may apply to be an Opening Doors Participating Care Coordination Agency (PCCA), which allow them to refer clients into the program.

NDHFA is hosting a webinar for the agencies that are interested in becoming a PCCA. This webinar will provide an overview of the Opening Doors Program, review provider expectations, discuss the process to become an approved provider, and include a chance to ask questions.

A recording is available online.  You will be asked to register before viewing the webinar. Note there is about a five minute lag in the recording before the webinar begins. 

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